Sketch Rendering

Lana'i P-20 Master Plan

Master Planning

The private land owners on Lana’i gave the State of Hawaii 50 acres to create Hawaii’s first P-20 campus to ensure life-long learning for the small rural island. The master plan was needed to secure funding for the first phase, a six-classroom building. I was involved with project coordination with consultants, phasing, meeting with the community and Criteria Architect for the first phase, which was the first Dept. of Education Design-Build Project for the agency. The master plan is designed around a central spine with separate ‘communities’ to support age-appropriate development.


Project Management, Phasing, Environmental Assessment

Sketch Rendering

Sketch Rendering

Credit: CDS International

Vehicular Access Diagram

Vehicular Access Diagram

Pedestrian Circulation Diagram

Pedestrian Circulation Diagram